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Friends and representatives

Alternative printing / Edeldruckverfahren

All about the art of Alternative photography

Chicago Albumen Works - Centennial papers

Alternative Processes in Bruxelles (Roger Kockaerts)

Gesellschaft für Photographische Edeldruckverfahren

Unblinking eye

Artists / Künstlerinnen und Künstler

The home of fine art black and white photography

Ansel Adams Gallery

Artsy’s Ansel Adams page

Enriko Boettcher

Erich Dal Canton


Hans Bol

Joachim Richter

Kamera Work - Christos Manousakis

Kerry´s Large Format Home Page

Markus Senn

New-Real Photopraphy

Oliver Rüther

Philipp Hitz

Rolf Walther

Stephen M. Schaub

Steve Anchell

William Corey

Witho Worms

Magazines / Magazine und Fotozeitschriften

Fine Art Foto

The View Camera Magazine


Camera Austria



The Large Format Journal

Partners / Geschäftspartner

Bergger - films and papers made in France

Berlebach - finest wooden tripods

Camera Bellows

Cooke Optics Ltd.

European Ink

Gigabit - a new film made in Germany


Lee filters

Linhof Munich

Linhof & Studio in England

Maco - Photo Products Germanny

Moersch Photochemie - Lithprinting

Schneider Optics

Strebor - the cases for large format cameras

Others / Andere


Berufsfotografen Österreichs

Information zur Fotografie

Kamaradoktorn - in Sweden

Photographers' Formulary


S. K. Grimes - services for the LF Photographers

webdesign by G. Ströbele